Returning for the sixth time, Vilnius Gallery Weekend will be welcoming citizens and tourists at more than 30 art spaces between 9 th and 12 th September. During the weekend, audiences in Vilnius will be welcome to participate in exhibition openings, tours, educational programmes, audio performances, meetings with the artists, and discussions.
A special gallery weekend project – an exhibition at the House of M. K. Čiurlionis titled Kita Oda (Another Skin) will feature seven artists from different generations presenting seven different outlooks at the Other, the stranger. This is a reflection of the unsure conditions that have emerged even before the pandemic and were then made even more prominent by isolation, severed social networks and the rise of authoritarian politics. When faced with unfamiliar circumstances, we tend to have many questions. Artists are the first to begin looking for answers by exploring themselves, the environment and time itself, attempting to clear preconceptions or contradictions and proposing alternative scenarios of action.
Oftentimes, art and artists themselves are seen as strangers (Others), while interest in the activities of galleries and art spaces often remains limited to a small circle of audiences. The prevailing opinion that art is near-impossible to understand often keeps potential viewers from stepping inside a gallery. To address that, on 10 th September, a public discussion/conversation titled Kodėl aš einu į parodas. Laisvalaikio leidimo būdai vizualiojo meno erdvėse (Why I Go to Galleries. Ways to Spend Leisure Time in Visual Art Spaces) held by the organisers of Vilnius Gallery Weekend will invite people of all ages and professions from outside the art sphere to share their insight into what encourages or hinders the popularity of art spaces. The goal of this conversation is to hear both actual and potential audience members, share expectations and perhaps give the participants of the art sphere a chance to borrow some ideas on how to bring galleries closer to the audiences. A second discussion titled Apie kultūros politiką. Išsipildymai (On Culture Politics. Fulfilments) will be aimed at providing an overview of the current condition of culture politics. Professional culture analysts and personalities will discuss the situation in which Lithuania currently finds itself and what options contemporary policy makers could or should choose.
The organisers of the 6 th Vilnius Gallery Weekend believe that every audience member will be able find something new and interesting this year and will become more closely familiar with various artists, galleries, museums and other art spaces.
The project has been initiated and organised by the Lithuanian Interdisciplinary Artists’ Association.
Project sponsors: Council for Culture, Vilnius City Municipality, Clear Channel
Media sponsor: 15min
“Another Skin”
Žygimantas Augustinas, Evelina Bernatonytė, Adomas Danusevičius, Tomas Daukša, Ainė Petkūnaitė, Jokūbas Vaicekauskas, Jokūbas Verbickas
Curator: Akvilė Anglickaitė
2021 09 09–2021 10 02
09 09, 15.00 – 20.00
09 10, 11.00-15.00, 16.00-20.00
09 11, 11.00-20.00
09 12, 11.00-17.00
Savičiaus str. 11 Vilnius
In these times marked by unsureness and instability, many are faced with the question: how to live with or get used to an unfamiliar situation; how to accept the Other, a stranger, or sometimes even our own different selves. Although there may be many answers ranging from the most radical to the most tolerant, finding and applying them is our own personal responsibility.
The exhibition Kita Oda (Another Skin) is like 7 screenplays for a film, where the authors put their heroes into different time periods from the mythical past all the way up to modern day. In each of them, we meet different characters with their own stories, experiences, languages, equations, cookware and formulas. Perhaps they cannot offer clear answers on how to live through or get used to unsure circumstances, but the viewer, as if watching a movie at home, will be able to see another, perhaps different world, have a good laugh and even get the chills a few times.
“It Is, In A Certain Sense, A Nightmare”
Paulina Pukytė
2021 09 09–2021 10 08
09 Sep, opening 19.00-21.00
10 Sep, 16.00-20.00
11 Sep, 13.00-18.00.
Vitebsko str. 21, LT-11349 Vilnius
(Culture centre SODAS 2123)
Paulina Pukytė’s exhibition in the gymnasium of the former school continues the exploration of manipulated participation – through the collision of personal action and collective responsibility, collective action and personal responsibility, history and the everyday, propaganda and bullshit, inertia and choice, the past and the future, activity and passivity.
You will come in and come out, cross the half way line, witness the simulation of the promise of the new tomorrow (only until 7:30 PM), hear an influencer, wittingly or unwittingly play another note in the anthem.
In the sports hall the competition will be between dawn and the past, history and fakeness, observation and memory, action and illusion, promise and choice, optimism and inaction, freedom and feeling, inertia and inability, word and sound, manipulation and participation.
“Unrealised Projects in Vilnius from 2oth Century”
Curators: Rasa Antanavičiūtė and Marija Drėmaitė
2021 07 21–2022 01 09
9–10 Sep, 15.00–19.00
11–12 Sep, 11.00–19.00
Vokiečių str. 6, Vilnius
More than a hundred urban, architectural, engineering and monument projects, which were explored in the 20th century and could have transformed the face of the city, remain on paper only. Some of them were too bold, others were utopian, and others were simply eccentric. Most did not come to fruition due to a lack of time and resources.
Some of the projects in Vilnius seem to have had a spell cast over them: the visions of Lukiškių Square, Tauras Hill, the stadium and various memorials were subjected to heated discussion in the last century, and still provoke public debate today. We invite you to decide which projects would have made Vilnius more beautiful, and which would have spelt trouble for the city.
Sep 9, 12.00-20.00
Sep 10, 11, 11.00-19.00
Sep 12, 11.00-17.00
Konstitucijos pr. 22, Vilnius
9, 10 Sep exhibitions can be viewed free of charge.
Other days, the standard entrance fee is applied.
“Indigenous Narratives”
Sigita Simona Paplauskaitė, Marius Juknevičius, Živilė Lukšytė and Julija Mazūrienė
Curator: Margarita Matulytė
2021 07 16–2021 09 26
The object of the exhibition which activates the indigenous narratives is the Lithuanian ethnos or more precisely the country dwellers of the 19-20th century who experienced the least influence of modernisation and preserved the most authentic and archaic culture. That is those others, the bearers of the ethnic identity, without whom the nation would not have come into existence, and the nationhood would not have been established. However, the social status and role of those others in the historical perspective always remained insignificant, as they stayed in the background. Kinfolks, but still, others.
“Photobloc. Central Europe in Photobooks”
Curators: Łukasz Gorczyca, Adam Mazur and Natalia Żak
2021 07 31–2021 10 03
By the end of the 19th century a new genre of printed book emerged. Narrative function was transferred from the text to the photograph. Throughout the 20th century, albums, brochures, and photobooks kept track of the tumultuous history of our region. For the last two decades photobooks have attracted academic attention and have by now been often discussed by numerous publications and exhibitions. They have been featured at several shows, represented primarily by German or Russian publications; however, there have been no attempts as yet to look at this issue in the context of our region. In order to be able to think in terms of such a broad panorama it was necessary to collect and analyse Central European photobooks within the frameworks of one international research project, which culminated in this exhibition.
“Potentiality for Love”
Eija-Liisa Ahtila
2021 07 31–2021 10 03
Eija-Liisa Ahtila is one of the most famous contemporary Finnish artists. She became known in the global art scene in 1990s for her thoughtful, immersive video installations which merged fiction and reality. In her earlier works Ahtila has dealt with the unsettling human dramas at the centre of personal relationships, dealing with e.g. teenage sexuality, family relations, mental disintegration and death. Her later works deal with profound and basic artistic questions where she investigates the processes of perception and attribution of meaning, at times in the light of a larger cultural and existential thematic like colonialism, faith and posthumanism. During the last decade she has sought to disengage moving image art from anthropocentrism and searched for ways to use the language of moving image to convey a relevant image of environmental change in this era of climate warming, overconsumption and mass extinction.
9-11 Sep, 11:00-18:00
12 Sep, 12:00-17:00
Vilniaus str. 24, Vilnius
On 9th, 10th Sep exhibitions can be viewed free of charge.
Other days, the standard entrance fee is applied.
“Inside and Outdoors”
Mindaugas Navakas
Coordinator: Elona Lubytė
2021 08 13–2021 10 31
The new collection of the author’s latest works created throughout the period of 2016–2020 conceptually link the interior and exterior spaces of the Radvila Palace. Navakas’s interest lies in the dialogue between the chosen site and specific work, the visual dimension of a sculptural object and its cultural meanings that emerge in the process. This dialogue in its core holds a combination of metaphysical threat along with existential anxiety, frivolity or irony.
“Protest Art: The Rebels of the Soviet Era”
Curator: Arūnas Gelūnas
2020 10 09–2022
Vladimir Tarasov donated his five-decades’ worth of collection. The exhibition presents the works of forty artists who worked under the conditions of ideological dictate, censorship and restricted freedom of movement during the 1960s and 1980s in the Soviet Union. The creative works of the Moscow Conceptualists and the Lithuanian Silent Modernists are central to this collection. As different as they are in terms of artistic expression, they all share a common quality: defiance towards the prevalent ideological and aesthetic attitudes of their time and an effort for creative freedom. At the same time, this serves as one of the few attempts to present well-known Lithuanian Silent Modernists alongside their ‘brothers-in-arms’ who are lesser-known in Lithuania – creators of Soviet-era unofficial art from Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, and Estonia.
“Celebrate for Change”
Works of Lithuanian photographers and contemporary artists of various generations from MO and other collections
Curators: Tomas Pabedinskas and Ugnė Paberžytė
2021 09 04–2022 02 27
Pylimo str. 19, Vilnius
We participate in state, ideological or religious, mass or personal celebrations, but do we often think about their significance? The exhibition “Celebrate for change” is analyzing the theme of celebration. The celebration can become resistance to restrictive political systems, social structures and cultural norms. During celebrations, we also create new principles of public life, we can get rid of the usual norms of behavior.
“Hymns of Hell”
Giedrius Kazimierėnas
Curator: Rasa Gečaitė
2021 09 01–2021 09 25
Maironio str. 6, Vilnius
Giedrius Kazimierėnas (born in 1948), a professor at the Vilnius Academy of Arts, at the apex of his maturity, driven by his creative genius, took up the Herculean task of translating the intuitively chosen cantos from Inferno and Purgatory of The Divine Comedy into large-format canvases.
The artist has embarked on a monumental dialogue in an uncompromising meeting with the one of the most influential and much-celebrated Italian poet of world cultural heritage, Dante Alighieri (1265-1321).
“The Silences of Vilnius”
Valentina Černiauskaitė and Juozapas Švelnys
Curator: Gediminas Jasinskas
2021 09 01–2021 09 18
9, 10, 11 Sep 12:00–18:00
Pilies str. 44, Vilnius
Listenings to the Silences of Vinius:
The exhibition consists of audio recordings, a book and objects which were made in attempt to capture the intangible event of Silence. Two young artists go after the Silence in city’s open spaces, dormant buildings and encapsulate their findings into concrete objects-containers. Sentimental value in both the process and the result is one of the key points which artists are striving for. Keeping in mind that in order to comprehend the Silence, one shall go beyond absence of noise, the attention is directed towards the events, echoes, reverberations and imprints in the city that surround silence. From mathematical noise level measurements, loudest traffic spots to the wind blowing pedestrians’ hair, the viewer is immersed by the notion of silence and invited to experience it in a playful and intimate way.
Listenings to the Silences of Vinius
Live performances „Listenings of Vinius Silences“ produced by Dominykas Digimas invites to experience an unusual soundscape of silence. The sounds surrounding the gallery will be live streamed into the space where Dominykas will interpret the sounds with a custom made instrument. (Live performances: 9th of September, 19.00;
11th of September, 16.00 and 21.00)
Taisija Kalinina, Lolita Tučinskaitė, and Natalia Vilkialienė
09 Sep, 12.00 – 18.00
10 Sep, 12.00 – 19.00
11 Sep, 12.00 – 18.00
12 Sep, 12.00 – 16.00
Gaono str. 1, Vilnius
Conversions is a group exhibition by three MA students from the Textile Art and
Design Department at the VAA that presents unfinished master’s degree study
projects: personal explorations, discoveries and transformations. The concept of this
exhibition arose from parallels drawn between the sudden rise in intensity of the
virtual realm, the study process and artistic research. In this context, the exhibition
acts almost like an advertisement for the highly varied topics chosen by the artists
that still await your positive feedback, meanwhile audience participation in the
creative study process becomes part of the exhibition and a certain conversion in
“Linen metamorphosis”
Silvija Juozelskytė-Vaičiulienė
2021 09 07–2021 09 25
Latako str. 3, Vilnius
In this exhibition, textile artist and designer Silvija Juozelskytė-Vaičiulienė analyses
flax, the plant used to produce yarn. The artist is interested in its conversion process,
beginning with the seed, moving on to the shoots, which, after going through the
path of suffering, become fibres that are finally spun and weaved into linen cloth. In
the exhibition, linen objects reveal what hides behind the weaving process, while
photographs represent a look at the environment from the point of view of textile.
This way, a certain cultural context is revealed that the artist finds important and that
encourages us to reconsider the significance of flax and linen both in the past and
Dainius Trumpis
2021 09 02–2021 09 25
09, 10, 11 Sep, 10:00 – 21:00
12 Sep, 13:00 – 17:00
Pamėnkalnio str. 1, Vilnius
Artist Dainius Trumpis, at the exhibition Tin, presents haut relief objects that impart a new metaphysical value to ready-made and industrial materials.
Material and corporeal, composed on galvanized metal tin plates, works in Trumpis’ Mundane series are distinct for their unusual expression of metaphysical constructivism.
In an attempt to find a new means of expression that has value and is aesthetically engaging to a creator open to today’s interdisciplinary world, Trumpis produces a context of merging experiences from his personal life, his practice as a metalworker, and his exotic journeys to the East. Inspired by his trip to India where the work of making household goods, cooking, and daily life all take place in the street, in full view of everyone, Dainius Trumpis brings back to life his young days’ skills of metalwork, making them newly relevant.
The artist’s most recently exhibited works are unexpectedly appealing. Haut relief objects of the Mundane series, elevated from the mundane towards existence, pulsate with a Scandinavian minimalism of freshly galvanized metal tin and abstract expressionism of a pastel alkyd enamel paint. They stand out in the panoramic landscape of the Lithuanian contemporary art thanks to the harmony of rational sensuality, existential anxiety and inner peace that is so important these days.
/Elona Lubytė/
Exhibition is divided into two spaces: Contour Art Gallery and Pamėnkalnis gallery.
Katja Aufleger
Curators: Milena Černiakaitė and Aušra Trakšelytė
2021 09 09–2021 10 12
M. K. Čiurlionio str., Vilnius 03104
Gallery “apiece”, dedicated to the presentation of a single artwork of contemporary visual
art or conceptual design is going to present Berlin-based German artist Katja Aufleger’s
work “The Argument”.
The work, created in 2020 and newly adapted to the showcase of the gallery “apiece”, acts
as a metaphor for both personal relationships as well as social criticism. Red boxing
gloves sandwiched between the showcase windows create tension, highlight the moment
of being frozen in time, and question the logic of the argument.
Exhibition in cooperation with Goethe-Institut Vilnius
Eitvydas Doškus, Vytautas Narbutas,
Vytautas Leistrumas and Darius Gumauskas
Curators: Virginija Mačionytė ir Stefanija Jokštytė
09 Sep, 19.00 – 21.00
10 Sep, 16.00 – 20.00
11 Sep, 13.00 – 18.00
12 Sep, closed
Naugarduko str. 20A, Vilnius
At 7 pm on 9 th September, the opening of the exhibition MONGO will take place in
the exhibition space of the also newly opening performing arts centre at
Naugarduko g. 20A. The exhibition will feature two audio-visual installations as
separate interdisciplinary artworks, originally created for the play Mongolia (director
Darius Gumauskas), intended to bring attention to the fact that creators from various
fields of art often join their creative forces in the field of post dramatic theatre. Being
presented during the Vilnius Gallery Weekend rather than in the context of a play,
the artworks will act as independent sound and art installations.
Group exhibition
Rūta Kiškytė, Visvaldas Morkevičius, Imantas Selenis, Markas Vulet-Djukanov, Titas Sūdžius,, and more
09 Sep, 19.00 – 23.00
10, 11, 12 Sep, 15.00 – 20.00
Kauno str. 32, Vilnius
August 9 to 12, before the SMALA Grand Final, art and music events space gallery 1986 is
hosting an exhibition featuring photographs by well-known artists Rūta Kiškytė, Visvaldas
Morkevičius and Imantas Selenis, illustrations by Marko Vuleta-Djukanov and video works
by Titas Sūdžius, and others.
The exclusive visual communication that SMALA events are known for and that penetrates
the depths of the subconscious for some, but might be less known to others, unfolds like a
kaleidoscope in the exhibition: starting from the very first poster, through to the
photographs, dreamy party photos, video works, legendary red neon signs, light boxes, as
well as red curtains that used to fill the room with that heated atmosphere.
“A Garden for Autarkia”
Sara Rodrigues, Lindsay Seers, Lukas Strolia, Delta Mityba, Nerijus Rimkus, Borbála Soós, Saskia Fischer, and more
Curators: Saskia Fischer ir Lukas Strolia
10 Sep, 11.30 – 22.00
11 Sep, 15.00 – 18.00
12 Sep, 12.00 – 18.00
13 Sep, 12.00 – 16.00
Naugarduko str. 41, Vilnius 03227
An ongoing study of gardening concepts and methods from Autarkia’s extended community of neighbors, friends, horticulturists, artists, designers, writers, cultural workers, activists, and researchers.
Initiated in summer 2021, it continues with new contributors and events in and around Vilnius as long as the flowers grow.
Antanas Gerlikas
2021 09 09–2021 10 09
09 Sep, 18.00-21.00
10 Sep, 15.00-19.00
11 Sep, 12.00-16.00
Latako str. 3, Vilnius
On the 9th of September at 6pm in the project and meeting space Editorial will open an exhibition by Ananas Gerlikas. The exhibition will be open until 9th of October.
“New Works”
Gytis Aštrauskas
2021 09 10–2021 10 23
Kauno str. 1A 4th floor or call the number displayed at the central door
Miglė Markulytė
Curator: Studium P
2021 09 06–2021 09 12
Pylimo str. 20-24, Vilnius
I am where I direct my attention. But what happens when I start observing the observation?
While the world was paralyzed by waves of quarantine, the artist spent that time submerged in the introspection. The artworks, that accumulated during that period for one week will gather into a solo exhibition happening in “Studium P”
The exhibition is comprised from works, that were conceived during the process of introspection and created from the artefacts of 56 breath- observation sessions involving different people. Breathing artworks raise the questions what is or could (not) be the process of respiration. Yet, there appears to be such a great variety of answers, that the act of asking or answering may lose its significance. Therefore, what remains is the process of breathing.
Agnė Jonkutė
Curators: Aistė Kisarauskaitė, Andrei Antonau
2021 09 03–2021 09 30
Cultural Centre Sodas 2123, Vitebsko str. 23, Vilnius,
Trivium gallery continues its presentation of works from the final decade of the 20 th century.
Starting on 3 September, it will be showcasing Agnė Jonkutė‘s exhibition Judita-Self that
features artworks created on the verge of the year 2000. As stated by the artist, she often
employs a method borrowed from Buddhism in her work, where a meditator seeks to attain
certain qualities of a deity painted on a thang ka by recreating its image in their mind’s eye.
She applies this method to ‘recreate’ existing works (Judith by M. Ostendorfer (1530), the
portrait of St Thomas in the 19 th century Church of Sts Peter and Paul in Žagarė), images of
saints (St Thomas, St Judith), or the physical properties of colour. “If we spend time with
certain phenomena and thoughts, they influence, affect and change us. This is one of the
reasons why I usually chose techniques that require long-term work and a lot of patience,”
says the artist.
“Option: Oblivion”
Liudvikas Kesminas
Curator: Dainius Liškevičius
2021 09 08–2021 10 08
8 Sep, opening from 18.00
I-VII 10.00 – 19.00
Kauno str. 36, Vilnius LT-03202, the hall of the second floor of the “Dailė” building. More information: +37068918508
Numerous options always and everywhere. The algorithms of virtual space and
artificial intelligence are also based on the strategy of choice. Even we ourselves
operate on a similar principle. With the rise of the gaming industry, every person has
been given an opportunity to choose their role in the virtual world, where the
environment and the plotlines tend to almost dictate or at least suggest a certain
heroic role. But life has given us something other than what we had hoped for.
Rather than choosing what they would like to be, players more often opt for what
they cannot let themselves be.
Like in a video game, the exhibition offers us a choice. Choose your alignment: good
or evil, chaos or harmony, peace or aggression etc.
The installation presents ready-made objects as individual fragments with no initial
form, scale or context, evoking a sense of dubious recognition.
“Fabulist Manifesto Audio / Visual Agitprop (for Children)”
Studio for Propositional Cinema
Curator: Audrius Pocius
2021 08 27–2021 10 16
9, 10 Sep, 16.00-20.00
11, 12 Sep, 13.00-17.00
Vitebsko str. 23, 11350 Vilnius
(Cultural Centre SODAS 2123)
On the most general level, the show could be received as a commentary on the pervasiveness of mythical narratives and their ambiguous role in our culture; they at once clarify and obscure the world in which we live in. In order to grasp this tension at its most fervent, Studio for Propositional Cinema locates these contradictions in the everyday life of children, a locus where fantastical imagination is inhibited by normative indoctrination and open questioning is met with prefabricated answers. ‘Fabulist Manifesto’ elaborates and builds upon this dialectic of curiosity and indifference to the point where we are compelled to ask: could we once again engage the narratives that glue our lives with childish inquisitiveness in order to recycle, reinterpret and reenchant our world?
“What Does Eiguliai Say. Corridor”
Goda Verikaitė
2021 08 23–2021 09 12
9, 10 Sep, 18.00-21.00
11, Sep, 12.00-21.00
Vitebsko str. 23, 11350 Vilnius
(Cultural Centre SODAS 2123)
A virtual exhibition
The audio tour “What Does Eiguliai Say” (“Ką kalba Eiguliai”) by Goda Verikaitė explores the powers of narratives, that encourages us to see our ordinary everyday environment differently, and our expanded imagination, which can change both the future of everyday architecture and our future in it.
Explore Goda‘s works both at the cultural centre SODAS 2123 (until the 12th of September) and in the virtual, expanded exhibition with the live comments by the author, links to the recording of audio tour, Goda‘s earlier and later works exploring the intertwined urban presences and speculative futures.
ArchMedialė (Architecture and media art) exhibition “Pulvis” “” group
Šv. Stepono str. 14
Milena Liutkutė-Grigaitienė
Curator: Užupio Meno inkubatorius (contact peron – Gabija Kartovickytė)
2021 09 09–2021 09 11
Užupis Art Incubator gallery “Galera”, Užupio str. 2A, Vilnius LT-01200
This exhibition is like a playful analysis of how we all understand the same
things differently. Using typography, word puzzles, letter switching and the
tendency for words and images to have multiple meanings, the artist invites us
to put our attention to detail and creativity to a test. The interactive display
will act as a mirror, reminding us: you are a unique person with your own
perspective but remember that so is whomever you disagree with. The visitors
will be able to literally decode the general concept of the exhibition and share
it on social platforms. It is like an invitation to ‘read’ a picture.
Dainius Trumpis
2021 09 02–2021 09 25
9 Sep, 15.00-20.00
10 Sep, 15.00-21.00
11 Sep, 13.00-21.00
12 Sep, 13.00-17.00.
Lydos str. 4-59, Vilnius
Artist Dainius Trumpis, at the exhibition Tin, presents haut relief objects that impart a new metaphysical value to ready-made and industrial materials.
Material and corporeal, composed on galvanized metal tin plates, works in Trumpis’ Mundane series are distinct for their unusual expression of metaphysical constructivism.
In an attempt to find a new means of expression that has value and is aesthetically engaging to a creator open to today’s interdisciplinary world, Trumpis produces a context of merging experiences from his personal life, his practice as a metalworker, and his exotic journeys to the East. Inspired by his trip to India where the work of making household goods, cooking, and daily life all take place in the street, in full view of everyone, Dainius Trumpis brings back to life his young days’ skills of metalwork, making them newly relevant.
The artist’s most recently exhibited works are unexpectedly appealing. Haut relief objects of the Mundane series, elevated from the mundane towards existence, pulsate with a Scandinavian minimalism of freshly galvanized metal tin and abstract expressionism of a pastel alkyd enamel paint. They stand out in the panoramic landscape of the Lithuanian contemporary art thanks to the harmony of rational sensuality, existential anxiety and inner peace that is so important these days.
/Elona Lubytė/
Exhibition is divided into two spaces: Contour Art Gallery and Pamėnkalnis gallery.
“Love is…exhibition: K.Žalėnaitė <3 J.Balsevičius”
Curator: „Aštuonios akys ir ausys“
2021 08 20–2021 09 12
9-10 Sep, 17.00-19.00
11 Sep, 12.00-20.00
12 Sep, 12.00-15.00.
Algirdo str. 38, Vilnius
(closer to Algirdo g. 40c building)
Exhibition LOVE IS… is titled by the name of popular chewing gum. This is a debut work by Jonas Balsevičius and Karolina Žalėnaitė – art students from London. The exhibition could be interpreted as a retrospective of love, which aims to understand and rethink the behaviour of society and the systematization of the concept of love. Using kitsch as a creative tool, the aim is to ridicule one’s strange attempt to simplify everything around them, including love – perhaps the most complicated natural phenomenon. The exhibition combines K.Žalėnaitė’s installation about expressions of love and objects created by the duo exclusively for the gallery space. Decorative works made of ready-made material, the well-known bubble gum that you have probably tried at least once in your life – “Love is…”
“The Sea of Ice”
Ieva Martinaitytė-Mediodia
2021 06 17–2021 09 12
09-11 Sep, 11.00-19.00
12 Sep, 11.00-15.00
Polocko str. 17, Vilnius
Ieva Mediodia about the exhibition:
‘The disconnection from the ecosphere is forcing human beings to experience the fragility of a belief in human existence beyond the world; as if there is not a unity. The energy that we expend to gratify our immediate impulses for pleasure, rapidly melt glaciers and their beauty.
The remote viewing of glaciers hydrofracturing is a spectacle on the computer screen, but terrifying and inspiring of awe when massive, once frozen, glacial peninsulas shatter off into the sea in actual physical space. The icy poles furthest from the equator, most distant from the human ear and eye and we do not hear when glaciers are melting loudly. Their melting is loud because the fissure is sudden and due to the subsequent sea level rise, this ‘melt’ is impacting the destiny of life forms in an unpredictable manner. We are unable to foresee how the coastlines will appear to future generations.
“Electric Shepherd”
Matas Janušonis
Curator: Sonata Baliuckaitė
2021 09 09–2021 10 01
9 Sep, 12.00-19.00
10, 11 Sep, 12.00-18.00
12 Sep, closed
Jono Basanavičiaus str. 1, Vilnius
The gallery Meno Niša welcomes visitors at the exhibition Electric Shepherd by the
young sculptor Matas Janušonis. In his third solo exhibition, the artist will present
sculptural objects that explore the subjects of nature and mechanics, as well as ways
in which they correlate and supplement each other. Similar to his earlier work, Matas
Janušonis will reconstruct existing items and ready-made objects, altering their
exterior form or recontextualising the meaning of various phenomena.
“Sculptor’s Body”
Danas Aleksa
2021 09 03–2021 10 07
9, 10, 11 Sep, 12:00-19:00
12 Sep, 12:00-16:00
Totorių str. 5, 01121 Vilnius
Instagram : av17_gallery
Traditionally, when it comes to sculpture, the emphasis is on the finite object of art, usually dissociating it from the process of implementation, but in the exhibition “Sculptor’s Body” Danas Aleksa blends this separation. Here the viewer will not see any object that could be called a sculpture, but the object will be the creative process itself. Thus, the exhibition aims to look at the process of creating a sculpture as a performative action, choreography, which is directed by the sculptor’s instruments. Analyzing social and virtual spaces, and acting in various performances, Danas Aleksa tries to understand the social status of himself as an artist and his identity in various realities. He is like an observer analyzing the surrounding environment, disrupting it in various ways and waiting for its response.
Antanas Mončys,
Robertas Narkus,
Laurynas Skeisgiela,
Indrė Šerpytytė,
Arturas Bumšteinas,
Deimantas Narkevičius,
Neringa Vasiliauskaitė,
Viltė Bražiūnaitė and Tomas Sinkevičius,
Marija Puipaitė,
Vytautas Gečas,
Martynas Kazimierėnas
Curators: Linas Bliškevičius and Yates Norton
2021 09 09–2021 10 29
9 Sep, 16.00 – 20.00
10 Sep, 14.00 – 20.00
11 Sep, 12.00 – 16.oo
12 Sep, closed
Vilniaus str. 39, Vilnius
Visitors must present proof of vaccination, or a negative covid-19 test
This exhibition presents works by Antanas Moncys, many of which have never been shown in Lithuania, alongside new commissions by contemporary Lithuanian artists. The exhibition focuses on Moncys’ interest in the body, material, craft and pleasure –– qualities we see shared in the practices of the contemporary artists.
The works reveal Moncys attention to hands, bodily parts or biomorphic hints and forms that are spiraling, enclosing, enfolding. Selected contemporary artists interpret ir replicate the features of Moncys‘ work, focusing on pure, ductile, natural forms, sometimes denying them, thus opening up new avenues. However, the exhibition is united by a focus on craftsmanship, intimacy, witty and playful approach to working with materials.

“Polar nights”
Mykola Bilous
Curator: Karolis Gužas
2021 08 01–2021 09 30
9, 10 Sep, 17:00 – 20:00
11 Sep, 14:00 – 20:00
12 Sep, 14:00 – 18:00
Vytenio str. 6, Vilnius
Mykola Bilous (born 1956) is a Ukrainian artist who invented a unique colour
coordination technique. He is a post-media artist whose work often revolves
around still frames from films, which themselves had been created by the
camera person by borrowing from classical paintings. He transforms selected
motives according to his own personal vision. The method allows him to create
a multi-layered painting that is three-dimensional and flat at the same time.
Such a combination of relief and poster aesthetic, according to the artist,
connects two spaces – the sculptural and the optic, i.e. the painting is at the
same time both two-dimensional, and volumetric. The colour palette and
composition also become key aspects of the painting.
Vladimir Mackevič
Curator: Evaldas Jansas
2021 09 09–2021 09 18
Pylimo str. 21B, LT-01141, Vilnius
Vladimiras Mackevičius’s solo exhibition Terms & Conditions explores our inevitable yet
controversial adaptation to a new reality, different rules and procedures.
A challenge for our personalities that demands patience and new skills.
The artist delves into various psychological aspects of the modern day, such as reticence, indifference,
and desensitisation.
Ever-increasing digitisation pushes a person away from themselves and causes them to split in two as
they manoeuvre between the virtual and the real, beginning to live a double life.
Artworks that take us out of our comfort zone are like contrast showers for our spiritual well-being.
This is a sign that the time has come to relearn. To feel and love this moment, to protect and foster
true priorities.
“Currents, pools”
K. Brazdžiūnas,
R. Blaževičiūtė,
T. Daukša,
E. Karpavičiūtė,
V. Kumža,
A. Melnikova,
A. Miliukaite,
E. Norkutė,
V. Opolskytė,
A. Zakarauskas
Curators: Jurgita Juospaitytė-Bitinienė and Justina Augustytė
2021 08 19–2021 09 19
9, 10, 11 Sep, 16.00–19.00
12 Sep, 14.00–17.00.
Šv. Brunono Bonifaco str. 12, Vilnius
The Rooster Gallery invites you to the exhibition Currents, Pools to be opened in the gallery’s new exhibition space in the complex of the Sereikiškės water supply facility in the Bernardine Garden. Established in 1914, it was the first facility of its kind in Vilnius and has remained in operation until today supplying water for the city’s residents for more than a hundred years. Nestled in a loop of the Vilnia River, along with its undercurrents the facility forms a naturally and culturally significant territory. The context of this place will provide an original setting for the latest works by the gallery’s artists included in the exhibition.
Poline Harbali
Curator: Vilma Samulionytė
2021 09 07–2021 10 02
IV-V 12.00-19.00
VI 12.00-16.00
Gedimino ave. 43, Vilnius
Poline Harbali (b. 1989) is a French-Syrian artist living in Canada and in her exhibition BEING / MEETING / GRIEVING she deconstructs her identity by telling about her relatives and her own experiences. For this she uses archival photography, her own work, installation and poetry.
Poline Harbali works in photography, video, installation and sculpture. She mainly questions her personal and intimate relationship with her “crossbreeding” and its political, social and geographical issues. This work has always articulated around a desire to communicate and experience a connection with the other and with heritage. Her work has been shown at the Mattatoio museo di Roma, the Benaki Museum in Athens, and at the festival Circulation(s).
2021 08 24–2021 09 12
IV-V 15 – 19
VI 12 – 17 val.
Malūnų str. 8, Vilnius
JMVAC is holding a Non Budget Art Festival
NBA Manifesto
relevant art
relevant is that which is relevant right now
relevant is free
free from support
free from applications
free from waiting for support
free from support provider guidelines,
goals and means of implementation
therefore it is free from budget
an artist who is free from budget is free to create freely
because they do not owe anything to anybody except themselves and their art,
which is relevant now
The festival will feature the exhibition Kultūrprotnamis by Kęstutis Šmigelskas
(curator Antanas Zabielavičius) and the short film Sun Also Rises by Ken Asano
(curator Naubertas Jasinskas).
“The White Silence”
Juozas Kazlauskas
Curator: Gytis Skudžinskas
2021 08 18–2021 09 18
IV-V 12.00-19.00
VI 12.00-16.00
Stiklių str. 4, (entrance through the Didžiosios str. side) Vilnius
Juozas Kazlauskas (1941–2002) is well-known to photography aficionados as a methodical and active
documentarian of important life events, a tireless traveller and humanist photographer.
J. Kazlauskas maintains a humane view of his surroundings in any situation and has faith in
overarching human values, while also retaining an objective reporting style. However, the exhibition
Baltoji Tyla (The White Silence) seeks to reveal a slightly different side of the photographer:
aesthetically articulated, vibrating photographic scenescapes of everyday life shaped by light
patterns. Whether he finds himself in Vilnius or at the Polar circle, the photographer always keenly
observes the tiniest movements of light across the water surface or the incomprehensible broadness
of the sky. This is why the exhibition presents several of the photographer’s well-known series in a
fragmented manner, highlighting the artist’s choice in shapes rather than seeking to establish a
cohesive narrative structure.
Rugsėjo 10 d., penktadienis 18 val.
Diskusija apie kultūros politiką. Išsipildymai
Mo muziejus
Pylimo g. 17, Vilnius
Kultūros politikos kaitos gairės, strategijos, įstatymų projektai – savotiška „natūrali“ politinė materija. Joje užkoduojamas ne tik vienprasmiškas turinys, bet ir ne visuomet garsiai išsakomos vidinės nuostatos, viltys, įsivaizdavimai.
Įvairių sričių kūrėjų interesai persipina, bet taip pat ir išsiskiria kovojant dėl riboto finansavimo. Taigi – valstybė neatsitiktinai siekia vykdyti aiškiais įrodymais grįstą politiką. Deja, šis siekinys neretai pasimeta tarp skaičiavimams „nepasiduodančių“ vertybinių teiginių. Savo ruožtu, programose surašyti prioritetai tirpsta vykdomosios valdžios grandžių derinimo krumpliaračiuose.
Diskusijoje kalbėsime apie mums rūpimus kultūros politikos uždavinius, o taip pat lūkesčius ir jų išsipildymą.
Tadas Šarūnas – sociologas, kultūros politikos analitikas,
Eglė Ganda Bogdanienė – menininkė, Lietuvos dailininkų sąjungos pirmininkė,
Viktoras Bachmetjevas – filosofas, Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto docentas.
Moderatorė – Skaidra Trilupaitytė, menotyrininkė, kultūros politikos tyrinėtoja.
Renginys nemokamas, klausytojų registracija vyks renginio vietoje, įėjimas tik su galimybių pasu. Vyks tiesioginė renginio transliacija internetu Vilniaus galerijų savaitgalio feisbuko paskyroje.
Ši diskusija yra Vilniaus galerijų savaitgalio renginys.
Daugiau informacijos
Organizatorius – Lietuvos tarpdisciplininio meno kūrėjų sąjunga.
Informacinis partneris – 15min.
Lietuvos tarpdisciplininio meno kūrėjų sąjungos veiklas finansuoja Lietuvos kultūros taryba ir Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė.
Rugsėjo 11 d., šeštadienis 16 val.
Kodėl aš einu į parodas. Laisvalaikio leidimo būdai vizualiojo meno erdvėse.
Mo muziejus
Pylimo g. 17, Vilnius
Tai pokalbis su trimis nuolatiniais vizualiojo meno erdvių lankytojais. Apie tai, kas juos traukia į parodų erdves, kodėl norisi į jas sugrįžti. Ko ieško, tikisi iš tokių patirčių, ką labiausiai vertina ir ką patinka išsinešti su savimi. Kodėl dažnai renkasi atostogas ar laisvalaikio pramogas susijusias su vizualiojo meno patirtimis. Pokalbio dalyviai prisimins pirmųjų apsilankymų parodinėse erdvėse aplinkybes. Kas keitėsi, kai pradėjo leisti save nustebinti, apie nutinkantį atradimo džiaugsmą ir tiesiog gerai praleistą laiką.
Pokalbio tikslas – užduoti vizualiojo meno erdvių prieinamumo ir lankymo motyvacijos klausimus lankytojams, kurie ateina į parodines erdves, bet nėra profesionalūs meno lauko dalyviai. Išgirdus apsilankymų patirtis, suprasti pastarųjų vietų svarbą meno mylėtojui bei pasidalinti išbandytais ir gerai veikiančiais parodinių erdvių atradimo ir lankymo būdais.
Daiva Gerulytė – investavimo specialistė, fondų valdytoja,
Inga Langaitė – socialinė antreprenerė, „Vienaragiai LT“ vadovė,
Andrius Romanovskis – viešosios politikos ekspertas ir Lietuvos verslo konfederacijos prezidentas.
Moderatorė – Živilė Etevičiūtė, kultūros renginių kuratorė.
Renginys nemokamas, klausytojų registracija vyks renginio vietoje, įėjimas tik su galimybių pasu.
Vyks tiesioginė renginio transliacija internetu Vilniaus galerijų savaitgalio feisbuko paskyroje.
Ši diskusija yra Vilniaus galerijų savaitgalio renginys.
Daugiau informacijos
Organizatorius – Lietuvos tarpdisciplininio meno kūrėjų sąjunga.
Informacinis partneris – 15min.
Lietuvos tarpdisciplininio meno kūrėjų sąjungos veiklas finansuoja Lietuvos kultūros taryba ir Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė.
M.K. Čiurlionio namai
Savičiaus str.11
Opening of a special VGW project: exhibition “Another Skin”.
Culture centre “SODAS 2123”
Vitebsko str. 23
SODAS 2123 Open studios
National Gallery of Art
Konstitucijos ave. 22
Guided tour of the exhibition “Photobloc. Central Europe in Photobooks” with tour guide Austėja
National Gallery of Art
Guided tour of the exhibition “Indigenous Narratives” with tour guide Renata
18.00 – 21.00
“Atletika” Gallery
Vitebsko str. 23
Opening of Paulina Pukytė exhibition “It Is, In A Certain Sense, A Nightmare”
16.00 – 20.00
“Vartai” Gallery
Vilniaus str. 39
Opening of an exhibition “L’étreinte / Embrassement / Glamonė”
17.00 – 19.00
Užupis Art Incubator „Galera“ gallery
Užupio g. 2A
Open Milena Liutkutė – Grigaitienė studio „Artwork Milena“.
A perfect opportunity to see a graphic studio from up close, educate about graphic art more freely. Visitors will be able to learn about graphic art, be curious and chatty.
Graphic studio “Artwork Milena” is open from 17.00 to 19.00.
(Event will happen again on 10th of September from 17.00 to 19.00, 11th of September from 12.00-19.00, break 14.00-15.00)
Vilnius Museum
Vokiečių str. 6
A talk “About Vilnius, and its Visions, Utopias, Distopias in Lithuanian Literature”.
Curators of an exhibition “Unrealised Projects in Vilnius from the 20th Century” architectural historian, professor at VU prof. dr. Marija Drėmaitė and director of Vilnius Museum dr. Rasa Antanavičiūtė will talk together with dr. Jūratė Čerškutė.
Latako str. 3
Exhibition opening of Antanas Gerlikas
“Studium P”
Pylimo str. 20-24
A guided tour of an exhibition “I/O” with artist Miglė Markulytė.
„Titanic“ gallery
Maironio str. 3
A guided tour of an exhibition “Hymns of Hell” with artist Giedrius Kazimierėnas and curator Rasa Gečaitė
Naugarduko 20A
Opening of an exhibition “Mongo”
“Akademija” gallery
Pilies str. 44
A sound performance by Dominykas Digimas “Listening to the Silence of Vilnius“
Live performances „Listenings of Vinius Silences“ produced by Dominykas Digimas invites to experience an unusual soundscape of silence. The sounds surrounding the gallery will be live streamed into the space where Dominykas will interpret the sounds with a custom made instrument.
(Performance will be repeated on 11th of September at 16.00 and 21.00. Duration 1 hour)
“MOrka” gallery
Pylimo str. 21B
A guided tour of an exhibition “Terms&Conditions” with artist Vladimir Mackevič
“Artifex” gallery
Gaono str. 1
Guided tour of the exhibition “Conversations”
(Tour will be repeated at 16.00)
National Gallery of Art
Konstitucijos ave. 22
Guided tour of the exhibition “Photobloc. Central Europe in Photobooks” with tour guide Renata
National Gallery of Art
Konstitucijos ave. 22
Guided tour of the exhibition “Indigenous Narratives” with tour guide Austėja
16.00 val.
M.K. Čiurlionio namai
Savičiaus str. 11
Guided tour of the Vilnius Gallery Weekend exhibition “Another Skin” with the curator Akvile Anglickaite.
Užupis Art Incubator „Galera“ gallery
Užupio g. 2A
Open Milena Liutkutė – Grigaitienė studio „Artwork Milena“.
A perfect opportunity to see a graphic studio from up close, educate about graphic art more freely. Visitors will be able to learn about graphic art, be curious and chatty.
Graphic studio “Artwork Milena” is open from 17.00 to 19.00.
(Event will happen again on 11th of September from 12.00-19.00, break 14.00-15.00)
Mo Museum
Pylimo str. 17
VGW discussion about cultural politics. Fulfillment
Moderator: Skaidra Trilupaitytė (art historian, researcher of cultural politics)
Panel speakers: Tadas Šarūnas – sociologist, analitic of cultural politics,
Eglė Ganda Bogdanienė – artist, a chairwoman of Lithuanian Artists’ Association,
Viktoras Bachmetjevas – philosopher, Docent of Vytautas Magnus University.
“Studium P”
Pylimo str. 20-24
A guided tour of an exhibition “I/O” with artist Miglė Markulytė.
Vitebsko str. 23
A guided tour of the exhibition “Fabulist Manifesto Audio / Visual Agitprop (for Children)”
“8 akys ir ausys” gallery
Algirdo str. 38, Vilnius
(closer to Algirdo g. 40c building)
Two online meetings in the gallery space with artists Karolina Žalėnaitė and Jonas Balsevičius (from London)
(The meeting will be repeated on the 12th of September, at 14.00.)
“MOrka” gallery
Pylimo str. 21B
A guided tour of an exhibition “Terms&Conditions” with artist Vladimir Mackevič
(Guided tour will be repeated on 11th of September at 19.00)
“Pamėnkalnis” gallery and “Contour Art Gallery”
will begin at Pamėnkalio str. and continue to Lydos str. 4
A meeting with artist Dainius Trumpis and a guided tour of the exhibition “Tin” throughout two galleries – the tour will begin at Pamėnkalnis gallery and continue to Contour Art Gallery (Lydos g. 4-59).
12.00 val.
„Kairė-Dešinė“ gallery
Latako str. 3
An educational workshop for families
(for children older than 6 years): a meeting in an exhibition “Linen metamorphosis” with an artist Silvija Juozelskytė-Vaičiulienė and a special spindle for linen fibre. An opportunity for trying out and learning about spinning with a variety of spindles, all while listening to interesting stories about plant based fibers. (duration 1 hour)
(Educational program will be repeated on 12th of September at 13.00)
Please register in advance:
12.00 – 19.00
Užupis Art Incubator „Galera“ gallery
Užupio g. 2A
Open Milena Liutkutė – Grigaitienė studio „Artwork Milena“.
A perfect opportunity to see a graphic studio from up close, educate about graphic art more freely. Visitors will be able to learn about graphic art, be curious and chatty.
Graphic studio “Artwork Milena”.
(break 14.00-15.00)
“Meno niša“ gallery
Basanavičiaus str. 1
A meeting with artist Matu Janušoniu in “Meno niša“ gallery.
Mo muziejus
Pylimo str. 17
A guided tour of the exhibition “Celebrate for Change”
(The tour is free with the museum ticket. Tour will be repeated on 12th 14.00)
Užupio meno inkubatoriaus galerija „Galera“
Užupio g. 2A
A guided tour of the exhibition “Rebuses” with the artist Milena Liutkutė – Grigaitienė.
(Duration of the tour 30 min. a group of maximum 7 people is allowed. Please register in advance by email: or by phone +370 676 26269.
15.00 val.
Vitebsko str. 23
A guided tour of an exhibition “It Is, In A Certain Sense, A Nightmare” with artist
Paulina Pukytė
(Duration 30 min)
MO museum
Pylimo str. 17
“Why do I go to the exhibitions. Leisure in visual art spaces”
Moderator: Živilė Etevičiūtė (curator of cultural events)
Panel speakers:
Daiva Gerulytė – investment specialist, funds manager,
Inga Langaitė – social entrepreneur , head of „Vienaragiai LT“,
Andrius Romanovskis – public politics expert and president of Lithuanian Business Confederation
Latako str.3
An educational workshop and a meeting in an exhibition “Linen metamorphosis” with an artist Silvija Juozelskytė-Vaičiulienė.
An opportunity for trying out and learning about spinning with a variety of spindles, all while listening to interesting stories about plant based fibers. (duration 1 hour)
Please register in advance:
“Akademija” gallery
Pilies str.44
A sound performance by Dominykas Digimas “Listening to the Silence of Vilnius“
Live performances „Listenings of Vinius Silences“ produced by Dominykas Digimas invites to experience an unusual soundscape of silence. The sounds surrounding the gallery will be live streamed into the space where Dominykas will interpret the sounds with a custom made instrument.
(Performance will be repeated 21.00. Duration 1 hour)
16.00 – 20.00
“8 akys ir ausys” gallery
Algirdo str. 38, Vilnius
(closer to Algirdo str. 40c building)
Sounds of Love x Radio Vilnius. Music of love, an evening of dance in an open air.
“Studium P”
Pylimo str. 20-24
A guided tour of an exhibition “I/O” with artist Miglė Markulytė.
“AV17” gallery
Totorių str. 5
A guided tour of an exhibition “Sculptor’s Body” with artist
Danas Aleksa
“MOrka” gallery
Pylimo str. 21B
A guided tour of an exhibition “Terms&Conditions” with artist Vladimir Mackevič
“Akademija” gallery
Pilies str.44
A sound performance by Dominykas Digimas “Listening to the Silence of Vilnius“
Live performances „Listenings of Vinius Silences“ produced by Dominykas Digimas invites to experience an unusual soundscape of silence. The sounds surrounding the gallery will be live streamed into the space where Dominykas will interpret the sounds with a custom made instrument.
(Duration 1 hour)
“Artifex” gallery
Gaono str. 1
Guided tour of the exhibition “Conversations” with the artists
(Guided tour will be repeated 14.00 and 15.00)
Naugarduko str. 41
Workshops with Sara Rodrigues and Delta Mityba
Artist Sara Rodrigues invites guests to make a garden box to begin a more sustainable life, and Delta Mityba chef Jonas Palekas will present the process of making kimchi as a way to preserve food. Autarkia will also launch a new poster edition from designer Nerijus Rimkus and curator Borbála Soós.
„Kairė-Dešinė“ gallery
Latako str. 3
An educational workshop for families
(for children older than 6 years): a meeting in an exhibition “Linen metamorphosis” with an artist Silvija Juozelskytė-Vaičiulienė and a special spindle for linen fibre. An opportunity for trying out and learning about spinning with a variety of spindles, all while listening to interesting stories about plant based fibers. (duration 1 hour)
(Educational program will be repeated on 12th of September at 13.00)
Please register in advance:
“Artifex” gallery
Gaono str. 1
Guided tour of the exhibition “Conversations” with the artists
(Guided tour will be repeated at 15.00)
Mo muziejus
Pylimo str. 17
A guided tour of the exhibition “Celebrate for Change”
(The tour is free with the museum ticket)
14 val.
Galerija “8 akys ir ausys”
closer to Algirdo g. 40c building)
Online meeting in the gallery space with artists Karolina Žalėnaitė and Jonas Balsevičius (from London)
Studium P
Pylimo str. 20-24
A guided tour of an exhibition “I/O” with artist Miglė Markulytė.
Audio Gallery
21:00 (and 12 september, 13:00)
The sound artist, curator and composer, Arturas Bumšteinas, together with flutist, performer and improviser Kristupas Gikas present a radio show series entitled ‘Krakatau’. On the 26th of August, 1883 The Krakatau volcano erupted in the western archipelago of Indonesia, and the sound of this eruption was heard around a radius of 4,000 km. It is the most famous sound ever recorded, the spread of which covered one-thirteenth globe of the Earth. However, the ‘Krakatau’ radio show is not just about high decibels. It will focus on various sounds that fall under the category of noise, namely, anything that is perceived as noise, an interruption or an excess of sound.
Description of the epizode:
The fifth show of ‘Krakatau’ – ‘Flutes’ Spawn’. In this show you will hear 15 layers of flutes that spawn like plankton. A radiophonic sound sculpture dedicated to the element of water.
20:00 (premiere)
Lives Without a Body, Speaks Without a Tongue
This radio show is an audio collage in which Simonas Nekrošius and Augustė Vickunaitė will broadcast their sound recordings and discuss them.
Simonas performs live on his self-made instruments and Auguste on old reel-to-reel tape recorders and audio tapes. The visual aspect of performances and instruments has become an integral part in both of their work. This collage is collaboration-search for how to present their work in an audio format, where the visual object, body or space is invisible to the listener, but is created in their imagination.
Tape Kiosk
‘Kasečių Kioskas’ is a show dedicated to the tape culture by performative electronic music artist Armantas Gečiauskas. During his streams, Gečiauskas will play music which is mostly available on tapes and you can hardly find it online.
Description of the epizode:
In the 5th episode of the show, a conversation about cassettes with DJ / music journalist Paulius Ilevičius and tracks from the cassette collection of Armantas Gečiauskas – music from the USA.
‘Raw Folders’ is a radio show by Gintas K where he selected unreleased albums or raw sound material of already released ones. The shows will feature live recordings from the past few years.
Back in the nineties, Gintas K was the founding member of ‘Modus’, a pioneering Lithuanian industrial band that still remains something of a legend, which is not surprising given the superb quality and boldly experimental nature of its recordings. Eventually Gintas K switched to solo work in the areas of psychoacoustics, microsound, noise and post-techno. (Info:
Description of the epizode:
‘jesus safe my soul’
The album was created in 2015. Recorded with live midi keyboard and controller using a single virtual synthesizer. Unpublished.
15 val.
A monthly show by ‘Sodas 2123’ residents called – ‘Unarcheology Radio’ hosted by Demetrio Castellucci.
‘Unarcheology’ ( is a pact of relationships over the Internet, curated by a group of people based in Vilnius, Lithuania, publishing original music and mixes of sounds captured from the cities and the val’leys.
‘The Sound Gym’ is the headquarters and the studio gallery of ‘Unarcheology’.
The program consists of performances, movie screenings and installations.
Description of the epizode:
This ‘Unarcheology radio’ mix presents an imaginary soundscape made of sounds of crickets, cicadas and dragonflies from all over the world, coexisting with ultrasounds from bats, here transposed to audible frequencies. From the montage emerges an illogical ecosystem of sounds normally found very distant from each other and from us, both on a geographic map and on the sound spectrum.
Sound Therapy
Sound therapy is a systematic, purposefully organized process during which the therapy moderator helps the participant to distance himself from everyday thoughts, maintain or regain emotional stability. Based on the positive effect of sound acoustic properties (sound wave samples, timbre, sound pressure, level and other parameters) on the emotional and physical condition of the participant, sound therapy combines generated frequencies, field recordings from Lithuania and other faraway latitudes, merged analog and digital synthesizer sounds.
‘Sound Therapy’ is moderated directly by Karolina Kapustaitė, composer, sound explorer and founder of the non-profit org. ‘Sveikas garsas’ (‘Sane sound’), on the 12th of each month, at 8 PM
Description of the epizode:
The single-layered nature of the audible audio material contrasts with the normal simultaneous operation of many frequencies on a daily basis, creating conditions for easy entry into a state of calmness and detachment. The session generates low and mid frequencies, voices of endangered bird species, and field recordings from medium and subtropical latitudes.
- Čiurlionio namai
- AV17
- Meno niša
- The Room
- The Rooster Gallery
- Vartai Gallery
- apiece
- Atletika
- Swallow
- Architecture Fund
- Autarkia
- Editorial
- Montos tattoo
- Nulinis laipsnis
- Studium P
- Trivium
- VITRINA & Bench
- Vilnius Photography Gallery
- Prospekto Gallery
- Pamėnkalnis Gallery
- Kairė-dešinė
- Akademija
- Artifex
- Titanic
- Jonas Mekas Visual Arts Centre
- National Gallery of Art
- The Vilnius Museum
- Radvila Palace Museum of Art
- MO Museum
- Naugarduko 20A
- Gallery 1986
- Countour Art Gallery
- 8 akys ir ausys
- MOrka
- Užupis Art Incubator
Čiurlionio namai
2021 09 09–2021 10 02
09 09, 15.00 - 20.00
09 10, 11.00-15.00, 16.00-20.00
09 11, 11.00-20.00
09 12, 11.00-17.00
Savičiaus str. 11 Vilnius
2021 09 03–2021 10 07
9, 10, 11 Sep, 12:00-19:00
12 Sep, 12:00-16:00
Totorių str. 5, 01121 Vilnius
Meno niša
2021 09 09–2021 10 01
9 Sep, 12.00-19.00
10, 11 Sep, 12.00-18.00
12 Sep, closed
Jono Basanavičiaus str. 1, Vilnius
The Room
2021 06 17–2021 09 12
09-11 Sep, 11.00-19.00
12 Sep 11.00-15.00
Polocko str. 17, Vilnius
The Rooster Gallery
2021 08 19–2021 09 19
9, 10, 11 Sep, 16.00–19.00
12 Sep, 14.00–17.00.
Šv. Brunono Bonifaco str. 12, Vilnius
2021 08 01–2021 09 30
9, 10 Sep, 17:00 – 20:00
11 Sep, 14:00 – 20:00
12 Sep, 14:00 – 18:00
Vytenio str. 6, Vilnius
Vartai Gallery
2021 09 09–2021 10 29
9 Sep, 16.00 – 20.00
10 Sep, 14.00 – 20.00
11 Sep, 12.00 – 16.oo
12 Sep, closed
Vilniaus str. 39, Vilnius
Paroda lankoma su galimybiu pasu
2021 09 09–2021 10 12
M. K. Čiurlionio str., Vilnius 03104
2021 09 09–2021 10 08
09 Sep, opening 19.00-21.00
10 Sep, 16.00-20.00
11 Sep, 13.00-18.00.
Vitebsko str. 21, LT-11349 Vilnius
(Culture centre SODAS 2123)
2021 08 27–2021 10 16
9, 10 Sep, 16.00-20.00
11, 12 Sep, 13.00-17.00
Vitebsko str. 23, 11350 Vilnius
(Culture centre SODAS 2123)
Architecture Fund
2021 08 23–2021 09 12
9, 10 Sep, 18.00-21.00
11, Sep, 12.00-21.00
Vitebsko str. 23, 11350 Vilnius
(Culture centre SODAS 2123)
10 Sep, 11.30 – 22.00
11 Sep, 15.00 – 18.00
12 Sep, 12.00 – 18.00
13 Sep, 12.00 – 16.00
Naugarduko str. 41, Vilnius 03227
2021 09 09–2021 10 09
9 Sep, 18.00-21.00
10 Sep, 15.00-19.00
11 Sep, 12.00-16.00
Latako str. 3, Vilnius
Montos tattoo
2021 09 10–2021 10 23
Kauno str. 1A 4th floor or call the number displayed at the central door
Nulinis laipsnis
Šv. Stepono str. 14
Studium P
2021 09 06–2021 09 12
Pylimo str. 20-24, Vilnius
2021 09 03–2021 09 30
Culture Centre Sodas 2123
Vitebsko str. 23, Vilnius,
2021 09 08–2021 10 08
8th of September from 18.00
I-VII 10.00 – 19.00
Kauno str. 36, Vilnius LT-03202,
at the hall of the second floor of “Dailė” building. More informtion +37068918508
Vilnius Photography Gallery
2021 08 18–2021 09 18
IV-V 12.00-19.00
VI 12.00-16.00
Stiklių str. 4, (entrance from the Didžioji str. side) Vilnius
Prospekto Gallery
2021 09 07–2021 10 02
IV-V 12.00-19.00
VI 12.00-16.00
Gedimino ave. 43, Vilnius
Pamėnkalnis Gallery
2021 09 02–2021 09 25
09, 10, 11 Sep, 10:00 – 21:00
12 Sep, 13:00 – 17:00
Pamėnkalnio str. 1, Vilnius
2021 09 07–2021 09 25
Latako str. 3, Vilnius
2021 09 01–2021 09 17
9, 10, 11 Sep, 12:00–18:00
Pilies str. 44, Vilnius
09 Sep, 12.00 – 18.00
10 Sep, 12.00 – 19.00
11 Sep, 12.00 – 18.00
12 Sep, 12 – 16 val.
Gaono str. 1, Vilnius
2021 09 01–2021 09 25
Maironio str. 6, Vilnius
Jonas Mekas Visual Arts Centre
2021 08 24–2021 09 12
IV-V 15.00 – 19.00
VI 12.00 – 17.00
Malūnų str. 8, Vilnius
National Gallery of Art
9 Sep, 12.00-20.00
10, 11 Sep, 11.00-19.00
12 Sep, 11.00-17.00
Konstitucijos ave. 22, Vilnius
The Vilnius Museum
2021 07 21–2022 01 09
9–10 Sep, 15.00–19.00
11–12 Sep, 11.00–19.00
Vokiečių str. 6, Vilnius
Radvila Palace Museum of Art
9-11 Sep, 11:00-18:00
12 Sep, 12:00-17:00
Vilniaus Str. 24, Vilnius
MO Museum
2021 09 04–2022 02 27
Pylimo str. 19, Vilnius
Naugarduko 20A
09 Sep, 19.00 - 21.00
10 Sep, 16.00 - 20.00
11 Sep, 13.00 - 18.00
12 Sep, closed
Naugarduko str. 20A, Vilnius
Gallery 1986
2021 09 09–2021 09 12
9 Sep, 19.00–23.00
10, 11, 12Sep, 15.00–20.00
Kauno st. 32, Vilnius
Countour Art Gallery
2021 09 02–2021 09 25
9 Sep, 15.00-20.00
10 Sep, 15.00-21.00
11 Sep, 13.00-21.00
Rugsėjo 12 d. 13.00-17.00.
Lydos str. 4-59, Vilnius
8 akys ir ausys
2021 08 20–2021 09 12
9, 10 Sep, 17.00-19.00
11 Sep, 12.00-20.00
12 Sep, 12.00-15.00 .
Algirdo str. 38, Vilnius
(closer to Algirdas str. 40c building)
2021 09 09–2021 09 18
Pylimo str. 21B, LT-01141, Vilnius
Užupis Art Incubator
2021 09 09–2021 09 11
Užupis Art Incubator gallery “Galera”, Užupio str. 2A, Vilnius LT-01200