Returning for the sixth time, Vilnius Gallery Weekend will be welcoming citizens and tourists at more than 30 art spaces between 9 th and 12 th September. During the weekend, audiences in Vilnius will be welcome to participate in exhibition openings, tours, educational programmes, audio performances, meetings with the artists, and discussions.

A special gallery weekend project – an exhibition at the House of M. K. Čiurlionis titled Kita Oda (Another Skin) will feature seven artists from different generations presenting seven different outlooks at the Other, the stranger. This is a reflection of the unsure conditions that have emerged even before the pandemic and were then made even more prominent by isolation, severed social networks and the rise of authoritarian politics. When faced with unfamiliar circumstances, we tend to have many questions. Artists are the first to begin looking for answers by exploring themselves, the environment and time itself, attempting to clear preconceptions or contradictions and proposing alternative scenarios of action.
Oftentimes, art and artists themselves are seen as strangers (Others), while interest in the activities of galleries and art spaces often remains limited to a small circle of audiences. The prevailing opinion that art is near-impossible to understand often keeps potential viewers from stepping inside a gallery. To address that, on 10 th September, a public discussion/conversation titled Kodėl aš einu į parodas. Laisvalaikio leidimo būdai vizualiojo meno erdvėse (Why I Go to Galleries. Ways to Spend Leisure Time in Visual Art Spaces) held by the organisers of Vilnius Gallery Weekend will invite people of all ages and professions from outside the art sphere to share their insight into what encourages or hinders the popularity of art spaces. The goal of this conversation is to hear both actual and potential audience members, share expectations and perhaps give the participants of the art sphere a chance to borrow some ideas on how to bring galleries closer to the audiences. A second discussion titled Apie kultūros politiką. Išsipildymai (On Culture Politics. Fulfilments) will be aimed at providing an overview of the current condition of culture politics. Professional culture analysts and personalities will discuss the situation in which Lithuania currently finds itself and what options contemporary policy makers could or should choose.

The organisers of the 6 th Vilnius Gallery Weekend believe that every audience member will be able find something new and interesting this year and will become more closely familiar with various artists, galleries, museums and other art spaces.

The project has been initiated and organised by the Lithuanian Interdisciplinary Artists’ Association.
Project sponsors: Council for Culture, Vilnius City Municipality, Clear Channel
Media sponsor: 15min




Audio Gallery


Čiurlionio namai

2021 09 09–2021 10 02

09 09, 15.00 - 20.00
09 10, 11.00-15.00, 16.00-20.00
09 11, 11.00-20.00
09 12, 11.00-17.00

Savičiaus str. 11 Vilnius


2021 09 03–2021 10 07

9, 10, 11 Sep, 12:00-19:00
12 Sep, 12:00-16:00

Totorių str. 5, 01121 Vilnius

Meno niša

2021 09 09–2021 10 01

9 Sep, 12.00-19.00
10, 11 Sep, 12.00-18.00
12 Sep, closed

Jono Basanavičiaus str. 1, Vilnius

The Room

2021 06 17–2021 09 12

09-11 Sep, 11.00-19.00
12 Sep 11.00-15.00

Polocko str. 17, Vilnius

The Rooster Gallery

2021 08 19–2021 09 19

9, 10, 11 Sep, 16.00–19.00
12 Sep, 14.00–17.00.

Šv. Brunono Bonifaco str. 12, Vilnius


2021 08 01–2021 09 30

9, 10 Sep, 17:00 – 20:00
11 Sep, 14:00 – 20:00
12 Sep, 14:00 – 18:00

Vytenio str. 6, Vilnius

Vartai Gallery

2021 09 09–2021 10 29

9 Sep, 16.00 – 20.00 
10 Sep, 14.00 – 20.00
11 Sep, 12.00 – 16.oo
12 Sep, closed

Vilniaus str. 39, Vilnius

Paroda lankoma su galimybiu pasu


2021 09 09–2021 10 12


M. K. Čiurlionio str., Vilnius 03104


2021 09 09–2021 10 08

09 Sep, opening 19.00-21.00
10 Sep, 16.00-20.00 
11 Sep, 13.00-18.00.

Vitebsko str. 21, LT-11349 Vilnius 
(Culture centre SODAS 2123)


2021 08 27–2021 10 16
 9, 10 Sep, 16.00-20.00
11, 12 Sep, 13.00-17.00

Vitebsko str. 23, 11350 Vilnius
(Culture centre SODAS 2123)

Architecture Fund

2021 08 23–2021 09 12
 9, 10 Sep, 18.00-21.00
11, Sep, 12.00-21.00

Vitebsko str. 23, 11350 Vilnius
(Culture centre SODAS 2123)


10 Sep, 11.30 – 22.00
11 Sep, 15.00 – 18.00
12 Sep, 12.00 – 18.00
13 Sep, 12.00 – 16.00
Naugarduko str. 41, Vilnius 03227


2021 09 09–2021 10 09

9 Sep, 18.00-21.00
10 Sep,  15.00-19.00
11 Sep, 12.00-16.00

Latako str. 3, Vilnius

Montos tattoo

2021 09 10–2021 10 23


Kauno str. 1A 4th floor or call the number displayed at the central door

Nulinis laipsnis


Šv. Stepono str. 14

Studium P

2021 09 06–2021 09 12
Pylimo str. 20-24, Vilnius


2021 09 03–2021 09 30

Culture Centre Sodas 2123
Vitebsko str. 23, Vilnius,


2021 09 08–2021 10 08

8th of September from 18.00
 I-VII 10.00 – 19.00 

Kauno str. 36, Vilnius LT-03202,
at the hall of the second floor of “Dailė” building. More informtion +37068918508

Vilnius Photography Gallery

2021 08 18–2021 09 18
IV-V 12.00-19.00
VI 12.00-16.00

Stiklių str. 4, (entrance from the Didžioji str. side) Vilnius

Prospekto Gallery

2021 09 07–2021 10 02

IV-V 12.00-19.00
VI 12.00-16.00

Gedimino ave. 43, Vilnius

Pamėnkalnis Gallery

2021 09 02–2021 09 25

09, 10, 11 Sep, 10:00 – 21:00
12 Sep, 13:00 – 17:00

Pamėnkalnio str. 1, Vilnius


2021 09 07–2021 09 25
Latako str. 3, Vilnius


2021 09 01–2021 09 17

9, 10, 11 Sep, 12:00–18:00

Pilies str. 44, Vilnius


09 Sep, 12.00 – 18.00
10 Sep, 12.00 – 19.00
11 Sep, 12.00 – 18.00
12 Sep, 12 – 16 val.

Gaono str. 1, Vilnius 


2021 09 01–2021 09 25
Maironio str. 6, Vilnius

Jonas Mekas Visual Arts Centre

2021 08 24–2021 09 12

IV-V 15.00 – 19.00
VI 12.00 – 17.00 

Malūnų str. 8, Vilnius

National Gallery of Art

9 Sep, 12.00-20.00
10, 11 Sep, 11.00-19.00
12 Sep, 11.00-17.00

Konstitucijos ave. 22, Vilnius

The Vilnius Museum

2021 07 21–2022 01 09

9–10 Sep, 15.00–19.00
11–12 Sep, 11.00–19.00 

Vokiečių str. 6, Vilnius

Radvila Palace Museum of Art

9-11 Sep, 11:00-18:00
12 Sep, 12:00-17:00

Vilniaus Str. 24, Vilnius

MO Museum

2021 09 04–2022 02 27 


Pylimo str. 19, Vilnius

Naugarduko 20A

09 Sep, 19.00 - 21.00
10 Sep, 16.00 - 20.00
11 Sep, 13.00 - 18.00
12 Sep, closed
Naugarduko str. 20A, Vilnius

Gallery 1986

2021 09 09–2021 09 12

9 Sep, 19.00–23.00
10, 11, 12Sep,  15.00–20.00

Kauno st. 32, Vilnius

Countour Art Gallery

2021 09 02–2021 09 25

9 Sep, 15.00-20.00
10 Sep, 15.00-21.00
11 Sep, 13.00-21.00
Rugsėjo 12 d. 13.00-17.00.

Lydos str. 4-59, Vilnius

8 akys ir ausys

2021 08 20–2021 09 12

9, 10 Sep, 17.00-19.00
11 Sep, 12.00-20.00
12 Sep, 12.00-15.00 .

Algirdo str. 38, Vilnius
(closer to Algirdas str. 40c building)


2021 09 09–2021 09 18


Pylimo str. 21B, LT-01141, Vilnius

Užupis Art Incubator

2021 09 09–2021 09 11
Užupis Art Incubator gallery “Galera”, Užupio str. 2A, Vilnius LT-01200

VGS archyvas | © vilniaus galerijų savaitgalis | Dizainas: © Taktika Studio | Web: Vitaleus